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have to just produce more. Too often, we think that you
have to be a farmer in the field, or you have to be a
producer, or you have to be running an agricultural
business to be a part of that community. We need food
scientists as much as we need agronomists and
agricultural engineers and economists. We’re going to
need diverse perspectives. We need agronomists in the
future working as economists. We need mathematicians
helping us understand statistics and commodity prices
and trade regimes. So whether you are working on the
farm or in the office, whether you are an engineer or an
entrepreneur, or an epidemiologist, everyone has a part to
play, and we really need to redefine agriculture. Whatever
your passion is—arts, humanities, languages, sciences,
whatever it is that you care about, that you love and enjoy
every day—we need your talent and your passion
in agriculture.
Agricultural careers are at the heart of solving almost
all of these challenges. Instead of viewing these
challenges as daunting, we should view this as an
opportunity. This generation of young leaders and
scientists and agriculturalists and engineers are going
to solve some of the biggest problems we’ve ever faced.
They have the chance to prove themselves and make a real
difference in the world. This generation gets to tackle these
issues and solve them. In agriculture, we should realize
that every one of these majors, every career can directly
help us address this: producing enough food and making
sure that people have what they need to get along and
survive and live a happy, healthy productive life.
If you want to have a fulfilling career that really
matters, this is where you should be. As an engineer, you
could be working to develop clean water systems that
will protect tens of millions of kids’ lives and improve the
health of hundreds of millions of people around the world.
You could, as a food scientist, figure out ways to better
preserve food so it lasts longer on the shelf, so the cost is
lower and more families could afford it, because we don’t
Watch Keegan’s full interview above
If you want to have a
fulfilling career that
really matters, this is
where you should be.