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The world needs more food. By 2050, there will be another 2 billion people on our planet. How do we provide enough
high-quality food and preserve our environment? At Syngenta, we believe the answer lies in the boundless potential
of plants. We develop new, higher yielding seeds and better ways to protect crops from insects, weeds and disease.
So farmers can get more from existing farmland and take less new land into cultivation. It’s just one way in which
we’re helping growers around the world to meet the challenge of the future: to grow more from less. To find out more,
please visit us at www.growmorefromless.com
© 2013 Syngenta. The Syngenta logo and Bringing Plant Potential to Life
are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. www.syngenta.com
Syngenta is committed
to leading a step-change in
farm productivity in a
sustainable way.