Food & Agriculture Professional Career Guide |

8 ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career development is about evaluating what is right for you Katie Hunter SOMETIMES IT IS EASY TO GET CAUGHT UP IN TRENDY CAREER ADVICE, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE LATER IN YOUR CAREER. HERE ARE SOME ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND DEFINING CAREER SUCCESS. View mid-career as a chance to leverage your accumulated experience and wisdom, not as a plateau. Also, evaluate job opportunities for their potential to expand your skills and knowledge, not just as steps up the career ladder. Remember that a fulfilling career is more than just a paycheque. Align your job with your values to increase satisfaction and productivity. Also be sure to keep a balance between authenticity and professionalism. While it’s important to be genuine, oversharing can undermine your authority. Oversharing can happen when you have been with the same organization for a lot time. Strike the right balance to maintain trust and respect. Take a moment to evaluate your decisions. Reflect on past decisions to improve your decisionmaking process. It is not about dwelling on past decisions that may not have worked out so well, but instead learning from them, and learning about what motivated you to make those decisions. These evaluations will help you make great career decisions moving forward. It’s important to remember what your definition of success is. A successful career does not mean that you are constantly moving up the ladder, sometimes it means you are using the ladder as a bridge. Each of us is different, so skip what’s trendy, and stick to what is important to you. PHOTO: Ekaterina Vakhrameeva/iStock/Getty Images Plus Evaluate job opportunities for their potential to expand your skills and knowledge, not just as steps up the career ladder. FOOD & AGRICULTURE PROFESSIONAL CAREER GUIDE